22 November 2012

I Wanna Be Free

It's Thanksgiving Day. Feels so good to have a day off. I've been working 6 days a week for the past 2 months, and I need a break. I've been running my body down and I've gotten sick twice in the past few weeks. Probably doesn't help that my stress/anxiety levels are off the charts since I'm trying to train the new girl and it's not going smoothly at all so I'm pulling my hair out again. Not good. I just want to sleep and have time to be selfish for once and take time for myself.

Right now I'm longing for freedom ... freedom to just sleep late, go places, meet new people, learn a couple new skills, read a friggin' book. I just want to start a revolution, though I'm not entirely sure what that entails just yet. I guess as I get closer to turning 25 next year, I feel the need to get more introspective and feel like I'm really doing something with my life and not just slaving away at a 9-6 to pay the bills. I want to put something inspiring out into the world, not just sit around being inspired by others. I feel like a lot of twenty-somethings feel the same way. Everyone's trying to do something ... express themselves, create something to share with the world. Maybe that's why social media's so huge right now. Everyone just wants to be somebody. 

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to continue watching "Magic Mike" then see "Skyfall" tonight. Happy Thanksgiving. Be grateful and shit.

08 November 2012

In My Rear-View Mirror

Sometimes you have to fall back to spring ahead. That's the theme of my life right now. Though I'm trying to move forward, there are times when moments in my rear-view mirror distract me from the present. For instance, in the days leading up to today I couldn't get my mind off him.

A year ago today I ended my first real relationship. At the end of summer he admitted he had a crush on me. I was reluctant to agree to go out with him at first since (a) we worked together and (b) he had 2 kids. After thinking it over and talking to a long-time friend I decided to go for it since (a) I was quitting and (b) I had never been in a real relationship EVER. While we "dated" for almost 3 months, I was getting more and more work at my new job and barely had time for myself, let alone anyone else. Even though I knew he understood I was super-busy, I didn't want to turn into that girl who deserts her boyfriend for work so I decided to call it quits. Of course, that was just one minuscule reason. My chief (yet oft buried) reason was I didn't how to tell my mom about him. Just thinking about her reaction to her daughter seeing a guy with 2 kids and a semi-shady past freaked me the fuck out. So I dumped him via Gchat a year ago today out of 80% anxiety and 20% exhaustion. I cried for about 5-10 minutes then I got right back to work. For the first couple of days I regretted my decision, but after 3 weeks I realized I was fine and had made the right decision for me. Looking back now I don't regret anything with him because the experience allowed me to learn a lot about myself in relation to other people.

Wherever he is now I wish him well. I just hope I didn't leave him feeling betrayed by someone he really liked. The last thing I want to be is that girl who ruined him for the next girl. Then again we are all responsible for our own happiness, and no I'm not just saying that to ease some of the responsibility off my shoulders. I truly believe that although outside forces can influence your feelings, ultimately how you react is up to you. Either you let something get to you, or you use it as fuel to move forward. Like I said before, sometimes you have to fall back to spring ahead. For the first time in a long time I finally feel ready to burn rubber. #forward2012

04 November 2012

From A Healthy Perspective

Body image. Lately I feel like that's all I think about.

Growing up I was always one of the tallest kids in class. Even now I stand 5'8" while most of my friends are petite and tower between 4'10" and 5'3". A few months ago I dropped about 20 pounds due to financial hardship, but I was totally excited about my smaller frame. Then as I left my financial hardship behind, I slowly started gaining back most of the weight and was totally disappointed I couldn't remain that size. All of a sudden I was overthinking about everything I ate. Should I eat this? Should I eat less of this? Should I avoid this all-together? I was becoming that girl and driving myself nuts. Then I just stopped thinking about food and ate whatever the hell I wanted. I'm much happier now that I've regained my lost curves.

Over the weekend I was calculating my BMI for some unknown reason. When I had lost weight I was around 120 pounds. Turns out that's actually under weight for my 5'8" frame while my current 145 lb. figure is in the normal range. So now I'm happy once again with my body, but I'm nervous that those models who are taller than me and in the 120 range aren't just "naturally thin". Fashion spreads just got a lot less fun for me to look at.

Appearance-wise, caring about what I looked like was never really a big thing for me. I'm a proud carrier of curves, and I don't try and hide them. Makeup-wise I'm more of a Plain Jane, though I never leave home without lipstick like my mama.

This leads me to my next point. I've been dealing with trichotillomania for half my life. For those of you who have no idea what that is, basically it's a hair-pulling disorder. Since I was 12 I've found that I pull out my eyelashes and eyebrows till there's nothing left. Other people who have trich may pull out the hair on their head too. I'm not entirely sure why I started pulling, but I think it was just an odd coping mechanism I developed like how some bite their nails (sidebar: I did used to bite my nails up until a few years ago as well).

Walking around without eyebrows and eyelashes for the past dozen years has been a bit unnerving and makes me very self-conscious at times. It's not a common thing, and most people who have it often feel alone. If you go on Tumblr right now and search for "trichotillomania" you'll find a bunch of girls who feel helpless and annoyed that they can't make themselves just stop. I've tried to stop a lot of times ... 12 years ago, 11 years ago, 10 years ago, 9 months ago, 8 weeks ago, 7 days ago, 6 hours ago, 5 minutes ago ... but it's an ongoing battle that's difficult to combat.

What I've come to realize about my own battle with trich is stress has been a major trigger for me. Since my preteen years I've gone through a lot of stress with various family situations that have arisen and lasted all the way through my college undergrad years and even my first few post-grad years. Now that things finally seem to be working out for me, in the back of my mind I feel like something's bound to go wrong since something always has. It's like I can't accept I'm okay now so I'm feeling on edge and can only calm myself down by pulling, only that only makes me more stressed because everything's supposed to be okay and I'm still pulling. Instead of freaking myself out over what may or may not happen, I need to just live my life and find other ways to deal with my stress ... like writing!

I've never told anyone about my trich issues before mainly because I think they wouldn't understand, but the first step to recovery is admission so here I am baring my soul once again in a blog post for all the world to see. I'm 24 years old, 5'8", 145 lbs. I've had trichotillomania since I was 12, but I'm working on it one day at a time.

01 November 2012

Leading Lady Bo$$ Busine$$

If an image ever captured how I felt in any given moment, this would be the one. I'm trying so hard to be the woman in this photo taking charge in her stilettos and LBD, but I just feel like people are trying to trip me up and rip my dress to shreds. 

The issue is I come across as too bloody nice, and people mistake my niceness for naivete. Lately I've been noticing a lot of people trying to take advantage of my kindness. I've also noticed their surprise as I put a stop to it.

That whole "entitled generation" label the older folks like to toss around when describing my generation, I get it now. Every day I come across employees who loved what they do when they initially started doing it, but as time has passed they've become frustrated that certain conditions haven't improved. They're tired of saying something about it to their supervisors so instead they complain to one another and nothing is ever solved. Then the younger newbies like myself come in and hear the complaints of the seasoned employees. Suddenly we have second thoughts about diving into the company culture and finding our place within it.

So that image above is a reminder for me to not let others take advantage of what I have to offer. I've felt exploited before and don't need to go through that again. It's time to be the leading lady of my life and go about my boss business.